1. Assessing Needs

Conduct a needs assessment to determine:

  • where bullying occurs,
  • how the school addresses it,
  • who are the bullies,
  • who are the victims,
  • when does it occur, and
  • why is it happening.

A school should also do periodic assessments of bullying within the school to see if it is getting better or worse and whether the who, what, where, when and why of the bullying has changed.

You may begin by using this School Wide Plan Evaluation Checklist

Measurement tools to conduct a needs assessment include:

  • surveys
  • questionnaires
  • interviews mapping hotspots for bullying
  • teacher ratings of student behaviour

Source: Bullying Prevention in Schools” (2004), National Crime Prevention Strategy.

Assessing Needs in Your School

Behaviour Management Evaluation Sheet:

  • Useful for the school to find agreement on where and what the problems are in a school
  • Who, what, where, when and why

Use the Behaviour Management Evaluation Sheet to determine where the issues are in your school. It evaluates:

  • Areas where bullying occurs
  • Deterrence measures
  • Remedial measures
  • Teamwork systems

This is an objective worksheet to help a school determine what areas need more attention in their schools. Teachers can individually rate the school and then discuss together where the problems are, or the sheet can be worked into a focus group to determine what issues exist in the school.

Source: Developed by David Wilmes, St. Paul Youth Services, www.spys.org; dwilmes@spys.org, 651-771-1301; used with permission.