Handout: Inventory of Racial Experiences

➊ Experiences:

Select experiences from the list below then proceed to the second step

  1. I have treated people of colour differently from white people (or witnessed it).

  2. I have treated Indigenous people differently from white people (or witnessed it).

  3. I have treated black people differently from white people (or witnessed it).

  4. I have learned that white people developed, supported and benefited from slavery.

  5. I have felt more fortunate than, superior to, or better than people of colour.

  6. I have felt more fortunate than, superior to, or better than Indigenous people.

  7. I have felt more fortunate than, superior to, or better than black people.

  8. I have tried to be especially good, kind, helpful, or loving to people of colour.

  9. I have tried to be especially good, kind, helpful, or loving to Indigenous people.

  10. I have tried to be especially good, kind, helpful, or loving to black people.

  11. I have wanted to prove that I am really equal to, or the same as, people of colour.

  12. I have wanted to prove that I am really equal to, or the same as, Indigenous people.

  13. I have wanted to prove that I am really equal to, or the same as, black people.

  14. I have been angry with white people for what they were doing to people of colour.

  15. I have been angry with white people for what they were doing to Indigenous people.

  16. I have been angry with white people for what they were doing to black people.

  17. I have admired and wished I was more like people of colour in some specific way/s.

  18. I have admired and wished I was more like Indigenous people in some specific way/s.

  19. I have admired and wished I was more like black people in some specific way/s.

  20. I have felt helpless, as an individual, to do anything truly useful in changing racism.

  21. I have actively resisted the social and/or political and/or economic forces that cause feelings of worthlessness in and oppress people of colour.

  22. I have actively resisted the social and/or political and/or economic forces that cause feelings of worthlessness in and oppress Indigenous people.

  23. I have actively resisted the social and/or political and/or economic forces that cause feelings of worthlessness in and oppress black people

  24. I have wanted to get over feelings of guilt and shame about being consciously or unconsciously racist. 

➋ Questions:

For each of the experiences listed above, respond to these questions:

  1. When did it occur? What happened?

  2. What led up to the situation?

  3. What did you think, feel and do?

  4. What are you doing now?

  5. What will you do now?