Contact us:
Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre
MFH 2350 University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary AB T2N 1N4
Click on the links below under Bullying Resources to examine Albertan and Canadian resources that offer information, referral, support or interactive tools to combat bullying in schools.
Use the School-Wide Plan Evaluation Checklist to assess the problems in your school, and what tasks are most important.
Evaluate your school to see where bullying occurs and what system areas need to be addressed by using the Behaviour Management Evaluation Sheet.
Contact the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre to teach this session at your next professional development day.
Bullying Resources
Bullying Resources - Alberta
The following programs offer information, referral, support or interactive tools to combat bullying in schools. They are all Alberta based and some offer speakers who will come to schools and talk to students. Please note that these are the programs offered in Alberta but have not been vetted by the ACLRC for their value in your particular setting.
Alberta Bullying Research, Resources and Recovery Centre Inc.
Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre
We offer guidebooks, lesson plans, information and free speakers on bullying and harassment. We offer this this training package to teachers and administrators in a one-hour overview format. We also offer specific sessions on supporting students such as refugees, or LGBT students and programs on anti-racism. We have a specific website devoted to resources for LGBT youth (
Alberta Education
This website offers information about bullying and safe schools and describes effective behaviour support to combat bullying. It also includes a number of referrals to other websites.
Alberta Health Services
This youth friendly interactive website talks directly to youth about bullying and how it affects young people. It provides youth stories, quizzes and links to other websites.
Bully Free Alberta
This is an Alberta government website that offers many referrals to other interesting websites. It also includes fact sheets on topics such as cyberbullying, homophobic bullying and bullying prevention in sports:
Calgary Board of Education
Ideas on bullying prevention and a list of the Administrative Regulations that support schools in combatting bullying.
City of Grande Prairie
Information on a bullying bylaw.
Edmonton Public School Board
A list of all of the EPSB Board Policies and Administrative Regulations. See particularly the section on Students.
John Howard Society of Alberta
Online resources for teachers on bullying.
Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin – I am a kind man
Resolve’s School Based Violence Prevention booklet
This booklet identifies school-based programs that prevent violence against girls, boys, young men and women, including dating violence, sexual assault and sexual harassment.
Safe and Caring Schools
The Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities helps schools and communities to encourage young people to be respectful and inclusive. This website includes lesson plans and links for teachers, as well as information on cyberbullying and tip sheets on prevention.
S-Team Heroes
This interactive site offers youth an opportunity to join the S-Team and combat bullying. There are interactive links and a game that youth can play to put a stop to bullying.
Youthlink Calgary
Youthlink website says its mission is: “Together with the Calgary Police Service, we deliver relevant and captivating content, provoking youth to confront the issues of their time, make positive life choices and become responsible citizens in their communities.
A list of resources, services and programs for LGBT people in Alberta. also offers 1-hour fun, interactive sessions for youth to discuss being an LGBT youth in school.
USA Resources
The End
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